Green Fingers I Wish

Monday, June 29, 2009

When to Water Your Garden?

At this time of year it`s important to make sure our gardens are properly cared for with enough moisture. This is especially true if we have young plants that need that bit of extra care and attention.

As far as watering goes, water in the early morning, or at night, but not during the hottest periods. That way it gives more time for the plants and lawn to soak up the water before it has chance to evaporate.

Water the area of the plant just above the roots. That way the part of the plant gets it where it is most needed.

It`s usually best to water plants not too frequently, but when they are done, they should be watered throughly. That will help the roots over time to seek out any moisture in the soil.

Water costs money. Therefore why not use what one of my neighbours calls "God`s water" and use a water barrel.

A barrel can save literally hundreds of liters of rainwater in wet periods. Then, when the weather turns dry that water can be used when your garden needs it most.


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