Green Fingers I Wish

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inmate Grows Giant Pumpkin

Rhode Island prisoner  Elena Hall has grown a 260-pound pumpkin. She was already entrusted with mowing the lawns, but when guards planted a pumpkin seed back in March Elena decided to nurture it.

The giant pumpkin, named appropriately named "Miss Demeanor" was fed a diet of country music by Elena, who actually put headphones on it. I imagine gardening will be something for this prison inmate to continue with after she gets out of prison. And, judging by her success story with Miss Demeanor, she ought to do a good job of gardening.

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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Weather Unseasonably Hot In Much of UK

Nature is very fickle, as the recent weather in the UK has proved.

Most things growing in our gardens have been preparing for the change in seasons, yet the spell of hot weather since the middle of last week has caught them wrong-footed.

To most humans, however, that's been good news, particularly since we've had a lousy summer. Beaches around the country have been very busy, shorts and ice creams have been selling out, and sunscreen cream has had to be restocked on shop shelves.

The record for Britain's hottest October day was today broken as temperatures reached 29.9 degrees Celsius  in Gravesend according to the Met Office. The weather was actually hotter than that in places such as that found in Athens, Barcelona and Los Angeles.